Author Topic: Shooter's World Multi Purpose Black Powder???  (Read 2457 times)

Offline Swede Creek

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Shooter's World Multi Purpose Black Powder???
« on: October 11, 2022, 05:46:00 AM »
Was at a Scheels in Nebraska this weekend, and they had several bottles of Shooter's World black powder.

I have never heard of it before.   Wondered if any of your smoke burners have used it?    The bottle did NOT have a FFF mark, but their website say is it tripleF.

Offline Maven

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Re: Shooter's World Multi Purpose Black Powder???
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2022, 07:48:48 PM »
The label also says it's a black powder substitute, FWIW.
Paul W. Brasky

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Re: Shooter's World Multi Purpose Black Powder???
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2022, 08:08:50 PM »
Exactly!~ I would not use it.

"a gun without hammers is like a spaniel without ears" King George V

Offline 577SXS

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Re: Shooter's World Multi Purpose Black Powder???
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2022, 10:19:19 PM »
I think this is the same as Alliant Black MZ. Works good in cartridge and percussion but not sure about flintlocks.

Offline Jeff Murray

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Re: Shooter's World Multi Purpose Black Powder???
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2022, 10:58:34 PM »
"Good for cartridge and muzzleloaders" seems to ignore the caliber/powder granulation issue.  If like other so called "substitutes", it will probably not ignite well in a flintlock.  Never heard of the brand.

Offline bigsmoke

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Re: Shooter's World Multi Purpose Black Powder???
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2022, 01:30:44 AM »
It would probably work well to color a bucket of water black.
But then, who wants black water?

John  (Bigsmoke)

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Re: Shooter's World Multi Purpose Black Powder???
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2022, 03:01:13 PM »
I was reading reviews of this product at the Midsouth Shooters Supply web site and one reviewer commented that it worked  in his flintlock. Quite a few claims (various forums) that it worked in percussion firearms and BP cartridges. Search as I might, I could not find a MSDS sheet for this powder that could provide an understanding of the ingredients used. Some commenters at several sites compared its performance to Aliant MZ (now discontinued). Aliant MZ contained potassium perchlorate and carbon black per the MSDS sheet. However, the claims for this powder are that it is "virtually noncorrosive". If true, that claim would argue against it containing perchlorates. So many claims and so much conjecture out there! I sure miss Bill Knight's input!


Offline Daryl

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Re: Shooter's World Multi Purpose Black Powder???
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2022, 02:09:22 AM »
According to Bill, if he could not get black powder, he would use T7, and his testing showed it had no perchlorates in it, even though the MSDS sheet said it did.
He said "they" used the same sheet as Pyrodex so they'd not have to go to the 'expense' of writing up another MSDS sheet.
Propellants which have perchlorates in their composition, produce VERY corrosive fouling, that is "activated" by moisture. The requisite moisture can be absorbed from the air, or merely from  the water based, lubed wet patch used in loading. This is what Bill told me & all of us.

"a gun without hammers is like a spaniel without ears" King George V

Offline Jeff Murray

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Re: Shooter's World Multi Purpose Black Powder???
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2022, 03:18:33 AM »
I would be cautious about reviews for a product that is new or has very little following.  No way to know if the poster is a neutral third party or someone trying to pump up their own sales.  A third party comparison with GOEX, Pyrodex and Schuetzen would be more credible.


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Re: Shooter's World Multi Purpose Black Powder???
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2022, 02:52:03 PM »
^^^^----What he said----^^^^

If it ain't broke.......

Offline MartyB

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Re: Shooter's World Multi Purpose Black Powder???
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2022, 06:01:22 AM »
Bunk you are correct. The American Pioneer plant did have an explosion in 2016 that did close them but they have since rebuilt and have started to produce powder again. Under their label purchase is available from the the following;, and at Shooters World Multi-Purpose Black (This Black Powder substitute is made in America for Shooters World by American Pioneer Powder) is available from Just for everyone's information.

^^^^^ a post from the muzzleloading forum.

Offline Mike from OK

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Re: Shooter's World Multi Purpose Black Powder???
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2022, 05:12:27 PM »
Shooter's World powders are produced by Lovex, a Czech company IIRC. I use and load several of their smokeless offerings for my modern firearms. Their products rival most smokeless offerings at a competitive price.

I have not used their BP substitute powder so I cannot comment on it's attributes.


Offline Dphariss

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Re: Shooter's World Multi Purpose Black Powder???
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2022, 12:06:52 AM »
I used to work “in the industry” and I learned things as a result. I don’t use substitutes and I don’t know why they would list “no sulfur”. Remember, almost every anyone could dream up was tried in the 19th c and not one survived. And the current batch of substitutes, going back to the 70s or whenever it restarted. ALL have serious issues of one kind or another. I suspect that in the last few decades masses of percussion (and surely some flintlocks) and a BUNCH of BPCRs have been trashed by the use a substitutes. I can’t speak to this stuff and since Mad Monk is not available we are not likely to hear what it is. However, is anyone has some and some BP they could do a test I did about 1980. Grind one side of a flat bar 1 1/2”- 2” wide mild steel nice and clean needs to be 12-15” long. Lay a cloth over one end and flash a small pile of whatever you have on uncovers end. Then cover the fouled and flash a small pile of BP on it. Set it up where its not exposed to dew or rain, on shelf in the warm room will do fine. Leave it two weeks and see what occurs. It cured me. But then I had never used the stuff in anything but company guns.
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Offline Dphariss

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Re: Shooter's World Multi Purpose Black Powder???
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2022, 12:15:59 AM »
I would be cautious about reviews for a product that is new or has very little following.  No way to know if the poster is a neutral third party or someone trying to pump up their own sales.  A third party comparison with GOEX, Pyrodex and Schuetzen would be more credible.
“Gun writers” told the shooting world that Pyrodex was non-corrosive, for example. A friend, working in a shop in CA at the time, said they shot some in a percussion revolver. Thought is was not corrosive, put the gun on a shelf back in the gunsmithing section of the business and when they went back to it the cylinder was frozen and the gun junk.
T7 I am told has had the nasty ingredient removed. But it is harder to light and makes higher pressures. Its made for use with shotgun primers and inline “MLs”.
I have always been able to find BP and never had any desire to use substitutes. Most are not as ballistically uniform and some of them would actually liquify in a powder horn. I was told on good authority. I have won things at matches that I should have poured on the lawn instead of flushing the stuff.
He who dares not offend cannot be honest. Thomas Paine