Author Topic: .45 hunting load  (Read 16166 times)


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Re: .45 hunting load
« Reply #25 on: August 18, 2008, 08:20:08 PM »
And...if its the same book I'm thinking of, Sam listed the results in a little table, and among other things noted the best accuracy load, then the best hunting load...and they are rarely ever the don't need a 1.5" group at 100yds if it means using only 50grns powder, compared to a 2.5" group at 100yds with 100grns powder, etc...

Mike R

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Re: .45 hunting load
« Reply #26 on: August 18, 2008, 09:41:58 PM »
The old Lyman charts show that for a 43" .45 barrel [from memory] 60 gr ffg is just under and 70 gr fffg is just over 1900 fps.  That is what I based my guess on that my 65 gr fffg load out of a 42" barrel is ~1900 fps.  They used Goex of many years ago now.  Barrel length has an effect, but not uniform or always predictable, on velocities all else equal.  Very generally speaking the longer barrel gives better velocities all else equal.  But such things as patch/lube/ball combos, type of powder, rifling, etc. also affect results, so it is hard to compare one guys to another's...If you plot increase in powder charge against velocity for any given ball size I think you will find that there is a point of diminishing returns, where it takes allot more powder to obtain a smaller increase in performance.  I try to find an accurate, powerful enough load that is also an efficient load--and that for me is typically on the lighter side of some folks pet loads.  Pet loads are just that and noone should criticise someone's pet...
P.S., I believe the old Lyman charts were done with percussion ignition...
« Last Edit: August 18, 2008, 09:45:54 PM by Mike R »


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Re: .45 hunting load
« Reply #27 on: August 18, 2008, 10:27:58 PM »
Mike, I have the old Lyman book.    The 45 was a Douglas.  The ignition was accomplished with a nipple drilled directly into the barrel and a percussion lock rigged to set it off.  It is likely that a common touchhole from a flintlock would exceed that of the nipple touchhole.  Fadala had a couple of flintlock tests that were not significantly lower than percussion.  Should I take out four rifles with 32 inch barrels I would likely get 4 different results.  Whether significant or not depends on who know what.
I agree with you fully that a hunting load, which this thread is about, should be a balance  between accuracy and power if needed.  The discussion also illustrated one of my reasons for not using smaller calibers.  You should have faith enough in your caliber not to have to push the envelope with powder charges.  Some like to anyway regardless of caliber, but other listings of favorite hunting loads in other calibers in other threads are not so potent.   90 grains of 3f in a 45 is probably safe in most rifles.  Thompson Center lists 110 grains of 2f for their Hawken and 90 grains of 2f for their Seneca.  The Seneca was a lighter built rifle with a 13/16 inch barrel that I think would be really stretched with 90 grains of 3f, and at least uncomfortable to shoot.  The Hawken can handle 90 grains of 3f and it would likely make a good load.  I use 90 grains of 3f in my 50, (sorry no chronographed data just deer), and 110 of 2f in my 54.  When writers and others talked of the law of diminishing returns they meant the downrange velocities.  You can kill deer very nicely up close with the 70 grain charges and at longer ranges the differences start to shrink.  There is a listed 76 fps difference between a muzzle velocity of 1800 and 2000 at 100yards. 
The issues that come to play are how strong is the rifle to safely handle the heavy charge?  A lot of 45's are made lightweight.  What ranges are you shooting? Up close the 90 grain load might make a difference.  Personal perception and practical application of the caliber and its effectiveness which leads to confidence.  After shooting a whole pile of deer with everything from a bow and arrow to a 45-70, I feel that a 45 RB is adequate.  I also feel that a 50 and 54 are adequate and carry them instead.   I hunt deer in the midwest where a nice buck can go over 220 pounds.

« Last Edit: August 19, 2008, 02:06:39 AM by northmn »


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Re: .45 hunting load
« Reply #28 on: August 19, 2008, 09:09:55 PM »
I checked the Lyman book this AM over at Taylor's and my results in my .40 42" are in the middle of their .40 43". ie: between 3F C&H and 3F GOEX (or GOX- whatever)  Taylor's .54 chrono results are very much below their posted velcoities.