General discussion > Black Powder Shooting

Patch Recommendations from 1808


Seth Isaacson:
Calico, dimity, Russia duck, fustian, or thickset are recommended though he recommends open weave fustian since the author indicates it is strong enough to not tear but that its coarseness and open threads "make a better and shallower indentation on the ball." I found this interesting given how most of us today specifically use fabrics with tight weaves. He also recommends "stopples" (cards or felt wads) between the patched ball and the powder if the rifle is to be left loaded for much time.

I've seen the same fabrics recommended in other early 19th century publications before.

That's interesting. 
I suspect with open weaves today, the lack of strength in them is the let-down.
Whether the "grease" used as noted in the text, damaged the powder or not, we don't know.  Back in the 80's, I used a barrier wad of card stock to protect the powder
from the mink-oil(grease) on my patches, as this seemed logical. In testing, I found no difference so stopped using one.  In the smaller calibres, .40 and .45, I found the
barrier wad effected accuracy, but did not do so in the .69.

He can recommend the open weaves because he uses card wads that take up the windage...hence, no blowby.


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