I have 3 .50cal. rifles: A Mowrey, which takes a .495" RB; a Dixie (Miroku) flinter, which takes a .490" RB; and a Lyman (Investarms) Great Plains, which also takes a .490" RB. The Mowrey is so accurate with the [factory recommended] .495" RB + .018" patch that I've not bothered experimenting with the smaller ball. The other 2, however are more interesting. While the Dixie can use a .495" RB, albeit with slightly thinner patches (.015"), it is a tight fit. The payoff is in slightly better accuracy than with the .490" ball + .018" patch (much easier to start and seat though). The Lyman, on the other hand, does equally well with the larger ball, but thinner patch as it does with the reverse. Btw, I cast and weigh my own RB's and find the diameters of molds of a nominal size, even by the same manufacturer, vary enough to segregate them. Right now my "go to" .495" mold is a Lee 2 cavity; the .490" mold is a T/C (their markings; don't really know who made it for them).