This iron mounted Southern Mountain Rifle is gun number ten from a blank for me. It’s not based on any one maker, but is influenced by rifles from Baxter Bean, Joseph Bogle Jr., William Douglas, as well as at least one unsigned piece.
The swamped barrel is by Colerain; is a B weight, .50 caliber, and is 44” long. The lock is a Jim Chambers Late Ketland. The double set triggers are mine (triggers, trigger bar, and springs), as well as all the other mountings, and sights.
The stock is Red Maple. The wood was scraped and burnished, with no sanding at all. The stain is Aquafortis, followed by Dangler’s Reddish Brown Stain, and then Laurel Mtn. Forge’s Maple stain. The finish is Permalyn Sealer.