Author Topic: What a great morning in the woods!  (Read 2669 times)


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What a great morning in the woods!
« on: November 27, 2009, 09:10:45 PM »
I sat this morning for the first time with my new rifle.  This probably sounds silly, but for some reason it was much more exciting to be hunting with a rifle I had built myself.  I am very anxious to take a deer with it.  It was a beautiful morning and about 35 degrees at daylight.  I had just gotten settled in my stand when I saw a deer about 100 yards below me coming straight up the ridge finger I was sitting on.  When he got within 30 yards I could see that he was exactly the type deer I didn't want to shoot, a wide thin horned 4-point and pretty sure he was 1-1/2.  Funny how young bucks act, he milled around within 20 yards for about 10 minutes offering several shot opportunities had I wanted to take him.  It's almost like he knew he was safe.  At 8:00, I had three does pass within 50 yards, but they did not present a good shot.  They were moving at a pretty good clip down a trail a little wide of my stand.  Unlike the young buck they were pretty wary, probably some does I have "educated" while bowhunting from this stand.  I  could only sit till 10:00 this morning because we had plans this evening with some friends to watch a ballgame (Iron Bowl is a big deal in Alabama).  At 9:45, I had a big doe appear behind my stand.  She must have gotten my wind a little bit because she was very nervous and spent 15 minuted trying to pinpoint my location.  When she finally gave up and continued down the hill presenting a perfect broadside shot at about 12 yards I had for some reason changed my mind about shooting a deer this morning.  I watched her go out of sight, climbed quietly down from my stand and headed to the house.  I think it had something to do with not having my younger brother and his son along to help drag.  Good news is it will be cold and clear tomorrow and I have all day to hunt.

Bob Mac

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Re: What a great morning in the woods!
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2009, 09:23:00 PM »
Greg, isn't that the greatest feeling. Knowing you had the opportunity to make a kill and chose not to. Going home very content and knowing it was still a very successful hunt. Good luck for the rest of the season.


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Re: What a great morning in the woods!
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2009, 09:46:36 PM »

I had for some reason changed my mind about shooting a deer this morning.  I watched her go out of sight, climbed quietly down from my stand and headed to the house. 

It may be that you're "reaching that plateau"...don't know how many years you've been after them but a few years ago I started getting more and more selective about waiting for a good shooter to show...we're lucky to have a good deer herd around here and can afford to let 1.5 year olds walk...last year I didn't even shoot any Does, just enjoyed watching them move through...not sure I'll go back out after Does this year or not...


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Re: What a great morning in the woods!
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2009, 06:52:45 PM »
to me anytime i can get out to the woods at my age and helth is a great morning.