Tom- thanks for your help, much appreciated. I live in an area where there are no originals nor any accurate copies so I am looking at photographs and the photographs show the overall outline from a side view but that's all. I need more help.
1. The cheek piece on a modern rifle gradually tapers forward into the wrist area. On the Long Rifle it looks to me that the cheek piece is more like an upside down trapezoid that occupies the middle third of the butt stock. Are the contour lines of the butt stock to the front and rear of the cheek piece symmetrical to those on the opposite side of the stock?
2. When you say "edge" of the cheek piece, that would be the bottom line - correct? The back corner would be the rear most part of the edge- correct? This back corner would then be (on average- depending on the builder) 1/2" to 1/8" higher than the surrounding surface of the stock. The thickness in this area would vary because of the drop and cast. I'm putting in 1/8" cast.
A. Okay, let's say I start out with the back corner 3/8"higher than the surrounding stock. Does that 3/8" thickness continue along the edge to the forward corner or would the thickness along the edge decrease towards the forward corner? By how much? In other words let's say I blow up a photocopy of a cheek piece and draw that on the stock. I then contour the areas of the butt stock in front and behind the drawn-on cheek piece outline so as to match the contour of the butt stock on the opposite side. At that point I would rasp down the back corner so it was 3/8" above the surrounding area, On the front corner how far down- also 3/8" or maybe 1/4"?
Next I would establish a flat line from front to rear corner, the edge, then I would rasp from the edge to the comb flat and then dish out the area - how much of a concave would this be?
Finally, there is the sides of the cheek piece, from the surface of the cheek piece down to the surrounding stock- on a modern rifle this tie-in is usually concave- what about of a long rifle- concave or flat?
Finally, I realize differences existed- I am trying to grasp what would be a general conformation- thanks for any help.