I have a Sieg Sx3 super mill. It's made in China and identical to the Grizzly model G0619 deluxe small mill/drill sold in the USA.
I took a too deep a cut when milling mainspring blanks. The mill stalled and the emergency stop button engaged and stopped the mill.
I reset the stop button and tried to start the mill. I got a high pitch electrical whine and no power to the motor. The whine comes from the front of the mill housing.
When I turn on the mill the RPM readout lights up, displays no numbers or messages. So, I asume there is power to the readout. Can I presume that the Digital SPD. Display unit is okay, or could it be broken and cause the whine?
I took off the front mill housing. There are only two parts here.
1. control panel pc board N/C
2. emergenency stop switch
Could any of these parts cause the high-pitched whine?
The firm in Norway who sold these mills is liquidated, so I'm hoping someone on the ALR has suggestions.
Best regards