didn't want to hi-jack the other thread, but it got me thinking...

On Friday I shot an older .45 (from a 45 year old kit), and used some pre-cut, pre-lubed patches, thinking to get rid of them. I don't remember the brand, and I think I had never used those patches before. Now I'm not even sure where I got them. But after about the third shot, the sulphur smell was very strong. the smell got worse with each shot. Same powder and caps as my last shooting session with a .50, only thing changed was the lube (and brand?) on the patches. the gun shot and loaded fine with those patches, just never had such a strong sulphur smell. I normally use a WWW mix, or a 'moose milk' substitute, or liquid #13 as patch lube, and cut patches on the muzzle.
Had a heck of a time getting the barrel clean, with lots of thick, black, slimy goo on the first 3 cleaning patches. And that was with cold, filtered, not-softened well-water. Same water I always use to flush the bore, again only difference was those pre-lubed shooting patches.
All this talk of cleaning has got me a bit concerned. I'll have to check on this bore again today. Funny, but I never worried about it before, and never had trouble. But I really don't remember ever having this slime in the bore. Hope it's just those patches. They may have to turn into fire starters in my brush piles.