I had picked up some Hawken parts a while back and want to make a two piece early style butt plate. Having been to the Gloreitta Museum in NM and seeing so many early rifles the choices avalible for early Hawen butt plates are hard to come by. Having taken some detailed photos of an original i have started to make a loose copy of an early J&S Hawken 2
piece butt plate. I made patterns from shim stock cut out .60 mild steel to be cold formed into what you see here.
One of the details i found in looking at the orininals is the apex of the curve on most of the 2 pc plates is tending to be more centerd in the crecent. The later cast plates have a higer apex toward the return. If you put a square on the return the 90 will mark almost the end of the toe within 1/4 " or right at the end of the toe.