Hi Jerry--If you're going to use epoxy, be sure to drill a few "divot" holes into both the inside of scales and the tang of the knife. Instead of divots in the tang, you could just drill some extra holes all the way through--not too big, 1/8 to 3/16 or thereabouts is way large enough. The divots in the scales and holes in the tang give the glue a place to go and "grip onto," (besides dripping out from between the tang and the scales while it cures), and make a kind of "glue rivet." A couple of posters have stated that the pins hold the scales in place to prevent them sliding on the tang or just for decoration. The epoxy is what holds them to the knife. Don't try to fit the scales exactly to the shape of the tang before attaching them. Leave them a bit larger--not too much larger, though, just a bit. It is easier, and the results look better, if you attach them, let the glue cure, then file or sand the scales to the shape of the tang. If you want to go "totally 18th C," omit the epoxy, but be prepared for the scales to separate from the tang after a bit of use. I have been making knives for more than 60 years, and this process has always worked well for me. I hope this explanation has been clear enough. If not, send me a PM, and I will try to clarify. --JB