Dave your missing out as we speak. I just had someone knock on my door, and ask if i was interested in some old musket parts (rifle parts really). I didn't say DDUUUUHHHH, but was very tempted. I got a good quality Goulcher percussion lock, with half cock, bridle, and fly, and a pretty rough plate. A butt plate from a hog rifle ( hand forged, two piece, very nice) and a set of single phase double triggers that may or may not be antiques. I told him what they were worth, and told him I didn't have that much on me right then. He offered them to me for a third of what they were worth, and I miraculously found the money.
The set triggers have a large peppercorn adjustment screw between the triggers, and would require a pretty long trigger bow. There is no threaded hole to anchor them in the stock either. I know some triggers weren't screwed down, but something about these doesn't look as old as the other stuff. Its hard to tell since this stuff went through a house fire. But, didn't get hot enough to damage the springs in the lock' or triggers.
Hungry Horse