I know this isn't everyone's favorite target but in the honor of St. Valentine's Day lets have a go at it. To be shot at 25 yards off hand, seated or bench as long as there are no artificial supports, cross sticks, sand bags etc... Five shots at the target half ball rule applies. Since some of our shooters don't have blue skies sunshine and 59 degrees like we have let's limit it to 3 targets. Post your best or all, best one counts. To pint it go to: NMLRA.org/downloads you will see the target I believe on the main page. If it helps you may stick on a colored circle over the "X"-circle only. Maximum score this month is 50 5X. Good luck to all.
When you are out with friends, wives or girlfriends on the 14th, don't ever make this toast: "Here's to wives and lovers, may they never meet".