I admire anyone who can engrave! I've tried time and again, just don't have the knack. Nevertheless, I still sometimes sharpen up the gravers and give it a go. I think one of my 4-year-old great-grandkids could probably do it better.
I always enjoy seeing work done by Hugh Toenjes, Mike Brooks, and Dave C2. Can't do that, but can sure enjoy seeing it.
To make it even more challenging, the VA recently installed some plates in my neck, so difficult to swivel my head. Now they are talking about doing the same to my lumbar spine,, and replacing my right hip. All problematical for a guy living alone. Still have to prepare food, clean dishes, etc.
The VA did help a lot with my "essential tremors". They gave me a wrist bracelet called a "Cala klq", which reads brain waves going to the hand, then plays like a counter-tune against those bad brainwaves for 40 minutes, and then no hand tremors for 3-4 days. Kind of a miracle to me. You CAN feel the electric impulses going through your wrist, BTW. For me, it's painful at 5 mA or more, so I dial it down to 4mA.
But I still cannot engrave!