those are my load workup targets, I don't care where the group is on the target as long as is tighter than another load, then I record the best for each rifle later I adjust the sights to hit aim point at the yardage I choose the green mtn with the green /orange target is sighted for 100 yrds . I usually start a 50 @70grns swiss3f and adjust the load up and down till I get the right tight grouping (at least twice)
heres the green mtn 50yrd workup load
here is the 100yrd same load but was high (2shot group) then I filed rear sight hit aim point and recorded for reference(I confirm by shooting at that range for fun but I don't record unless there is a change)
here is my new build load workup at 50 2nd time to confirm
the load this rifle likes 80grns sw3f
here is the same rifle at 100 but I have not adjusted the sights yet to aim point till I get another outing with the same results(it's a record of what this rifle likes)
here is the cabin creek Brad Emig Yorktown work up and the sight adjustment It liked 60grns 3fswiss