I thought I had posted this before but couldn't find it when I did a search of my posts. Being a few days after our independence day celebration this might be of interest to some. This horn came into my possession years ago and eventually found it's way to Arnie Dowd . Arnie did most all the research on it. The horn came back to me after Arnie past.
This is whats called a cameo horn . It is marked David Bouton X His Horn X . It's been shortened a little at the butt end so some of the carving has been cut off. There is what apeers to be part of a date 177.
I could find only one David Bouton ( 1747_1830 ) listed in the rev war rosters so this is probably the guy. Around 1775 he joined Col. Drakes 7th regiment militia as a private then a sergeant.He was in the 8th Connecticut regiment Jan1 1777 and stayed in the " Continental Line " for the rst of the war . His discharge was June 22 1783 . Oct 4 1777 the 8th participated in the battle of Germantown. Oct22 1777 the battle of Red Bank. Dec1777 to June1778 the 8th wintered at Valley Forge where he is listed present every day in Varnum"s Brigade. Battle of Monmouth June 28 1778. There is a lot more info but I don't want to wear out my welcome.
One more item .On July 4th 1782 David deserted and went home for 8 months.In march he returned to the army and joined the 3rd regiment. I thought this was odd but come to find out that's when his wife died.I believe he went home to be with her at the end then came back.
I welcome any comments or questions. Thanks Jim