Carole and Kyne shot at the number 8, one shot closest to center to win. Kyne won by about 1/2 inch! He used a .58 transitional (from Jaeger to something else).

George, Neill and Jim shot off a tie by closest to center of King George III's nose. Jim won.

Shooters had trouble seeing their bullet holes. I shot a .50 with 38" B Rice barrel and Late Manton lock, 50 grains of Goex 3F. I could see I was chewing a hole, and thought I had seven shots. There are either four shots in that double hole or I missed everything you see with two. Bottom right, I spilled some of the charge, a squib. Neill said only five shots, so I shot again..... Neill said "you wiped out the cojones", both of us forgetting there were none, this dino was wearing a red bra!