Dave, your pistol looks very similar, just a couple small differences, probably from the finishing and/or assembly operation. The most obvious one is the small plate with screw on your pistol just behind the cock, while mine has nothing there. But overall, they look like the same gun, same shop. Your markings on the side plate are very different from those on my pistol, suggesting to me the pistols were made with no engraving, and rather quickly engraved with borders, etc., in that area before shipping, or by the retailer when received. Since your gun is so similar but has different engraving pattern, I'd guess someone was doing a fast job on each pistol.
Jim, I went over all the engraving, particularly on the side panels, that you suggested might have been cast in place. Under a 10X eye loop, all the engraving looks hand-cut to me, with all the little nicks and edges, particularly small "steps" in the curves, expected of hand-cutting. For a lower grade export pistol, I doubt the maker would have made the effort to retain all the little cutting marks in his many similar castings, and at best only traces of them would be present if cast. I tend to think all the engraving is hand-cut. The engraving on the sides of the frame are pretty basic gouge cuts with a few accent lines, not the work of a high-class firearm... but good enough to embellish a lower grade pistol.
Shelby Gallien