Our deer season A ended Sunday with me deerless, so time to shoot out and clean. Will reload when muzzleloader only starts Nov. 30th.
I had loaded both of my .54 Jaegers (built last winter), alternating between them so each would have a chance (district here is a 1 deer either sex district).
70 grains FFg, .018 patch with neatsfoot oil a .535 RB. Each night the gun pan was dumped and a tooth pick plug in the touch hole, then stored in unheated garage.
Since I had to shoot, I figured to follow the November rules. 25 yards, standing but left arm braced against post, gun hand held. Temp was about 20 deg. F, about as cool as we have had yet this winter, so it seemed cold to me. Both guns fired without fail, first shot, which had been loaded in barrel 18 days.
Here is Dorothy's target.

and here is Evelyn's target

No need to score these.