Hi Bob,
You may be able to heat it red hot, open the main bend a little and give more arc to the lower leaf. However, if you alter the spring make sure the lower leaf is straight when the lock is at full cock. A very slight upward bend is OK but straight is better. Don't be afraid to alter the spring, harden and temper it and then test it. If it still isn't right reshape and heat again as many times as you need. Contrary to what some would have you believe, springs can be hardened and tempered many times without damage if you do it right. For TRS springs do not quench in oil. Quench them in brine, which cools them much faster without risk of cracking. They are not very high carbon steel and oil quenching tends to create mushy TRS springs. Temper at 750 degrees for at least 30 minutes, an hour is better.