I have a 1/2 done Rigby style rifle I will finish up in the coming year in 12 bore. Forsyth rifled, and it will come with a mold. 2 blade rear sight engraved lock and butt plate with some engraving on the T Guard as well. High grade English Walnut stock, and my plan was to have good checkering on the rifle at completion too. LOP can be varied some because the butt plate is not yet installed. Tapered barrel and reversed tapered under rib, with 7/16" rose wood rod.
Overall a fairly high grade rifle.
English styling , but not a TOW kit, and in the Rigby style with a pistol grip. So this rifle may not be the style or caliber you'd want. If interested let me know and we'll talk. Price when done will be $3,600
Here is a picture of one that was a 16 bore, but the styling is very close.
IMG_20151228_081801 by
Steve Zihn, on Flickr