Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond to my questions. I really do appreciate it.
So here is my thinking at this time. I need to spend more time with patch strips and spit. My last experiences were disappointing, but maybe I was using too much or too little. Maybe needed to use a different patch thickness. Who knows.
Then, I will try some grease. What I have is beef tallow. My wife and I often use ground beef for things like chili, tacos, sloppy Joes, and so on and that requires the ground beef to be fried and the grease drained off. So, I have a jar of tallow in the kitchen. Just needs to be re-melted and strained. Read some articles on line last night and it appears that many people mix olive oil or bee's wax with their fat to adjust the consistency to their liking. So, more experimentation there, too.
My concern about grease on my hands had nothing to do with aesthetics, I am concerned with being able to get a good grip on the stock or on the ramrod. The guns that I use show wear on the finish and a few dings here and there. I don't abuse them, but I don't baby them either. I use them.
Thanks again
Dale H