Go to your local pet store, or "Wally World" and get a large rawhide dog 'chew bone'. Get the largest you can, look at the end of the roll, and try to find one made of a single square of hide.
Soak this overnight in water, then unroll it.
Cutting in a circular pattern, (might want to use a dinner plate etc. as a pattern) begin cutting around the circle, making a +/- 1/2 inch strip of hide. Wrap the head with the wet hide, and tuck the end under a prior wrap. Let it dry for a few days and it will hold like it was epoxy.
Might want to look on-line or museum etc to get some basic idea how to shape the head of the handle. Some had a "U" shape cut out, others had one side thinner than the other, and was pulled completely over the top to the base of the 'notch'.
I hope this is not to jumbled to understand.' After midnight here, and cound't sleep...altho it may seem I wrote this in my sleep!