Daryl.....I don't think those sights would pass muster. If I'm not mistaken, the top of the rear sight notch cannot be smaller than the notch itself, or, the ones that you have shown would be illegal. All guns are inspected before the match
as for conformity. There are two types of sights commonly being used. The standard square partridge type sights are
probably the most common, with a rather wide front sight. This is the type I used the most along with a 4" black square
on my sighter target......I would merely align the sights then take a 6 o'clock hold on the black square. Many people also
use a bead front sight along with a "U" shaped rear. You would center the bead in the U, and shoot at a "donut" shaped
sighter target......merely centering the bead in the donut. While most shoots do not allow for adjustable sights, it actually makes little sense to have an adjustable sight, if you are not shooting to the right spot, you merely move your
"X" target. A great fun game and I miss it terribly.............Don