Jim - people don't come to Hefley for the prizes, although they are usually wonderful, but sometimes lacking as with any club. Many of the people don't even shoot, just camp and visit with friends they've come to know and love. The prizes are made by the guys in the respective club which is putting on the event. Every day, different clubs in attendance put on their contests, somedays 3 different events are going on, all sponsered by different clubs. The Hefley Creek gun club's BP section only puts on one shoot during the week that I know of. Hefley Creek Rondy is a 10 day event, same general time to include the Labour Day weekend, the 1st of September at it's close.
The last day's morning event, the blanket prize shoot probably gives the best prizes which are donated by those who are doing the shooting. The have a $15.00 and up limit, but articles of value probably to $75.00 or even more show up on the blanket every year.
The moose antler draw, an event held to raise money for the kid's programs has wonderful prizes as a rule. These are donated by people at Helfey as well as unclaimed lost and found articles of value and some purchased items.
As to some prizes, I value the hand made arrow I won in the archery event this year and last, made by Taylor. Hand made points, turkey or goose feathers, stripped by him and tied on with moose sinue along with the points. These aren't cheap prizes by any means and would cost $50.00 each on the market - maybe more. However, none of those would say Hefley Creek Rendezvous '08 3rd on the shaft. I'm crowing here, did I mention I got 3 out of 4 bow birds? rrrrrutaroooooooo