Charly, Do you have photobucket ? With the help of youngest son I'm able to do a few things with this @!*% computor. So, I copy my pic's off camera (never used phone) to the computor into picasa (its free) then go to your photobk't acc't. Click on library, create an album if you want with a name "lock making" maybe, whatever. Click upload photos, then click choose photos or video, you should get a small screen that shows your operating system, desktop, pictures a bunch a stuff. click my pictures, select that pic or pic's open it--it should go automaticaly to your photobkt album. Now go back to photobkt (oh it helps to have both windows open, just go back and forth) put curser on your pic and see a gear wheel, , a small menu will drop down, select share links, another screen pops up, choose IMG on right side, it turns yellow, close that window. Now go back to our site and open your topic, type some comments.hit enter 2 times--to give a space.---NOW hit Ctrl and V together---zap pic flys to your open topic....I hope. AND I hope this makes sence. Without my web designer son I'd be in dark as well. good luck...........Tom