Sometimes the repeated coatings with LM solution won't be red-rust color. They'll be black, blue in color instead w/a hint of red. I'm no chemist so I don't know the answer as to why.
But as long as there is a new coating formed (you can see it and feel it),,it'll build another layer of color if you just continue to boil and card as usual.
I lightly,,very lightly swipe a finger accross the surface of the freshly rusted part(s) to check them to see if they are ready. It's easier for me to tell by the feel of the coating than the look.
Maybe it's just that the color if the previous blue is showing through, You really don't need a thick heavy rust layer to add another coating of blue color.
If you use LM or most any other cold rust soln over old existing rust blue, it won't look red either. Just blue/black usually w/a hint of brown. Some red rust in the areas that you may have touch up polished.
But it still builds up color on those areas.
At one time I was concerned of the same thing and added an extra coating of the solution betw boilings thinking it HAD to be red colored to be real rust. All it does is muddy up your water quicker and possibly etch the surface more (maybe something you want,,maybe not).
It takes just a very fine rusting to create a blue coating. Extra heavy coats of rust don't accomplish much for you if you're after a nice even fine grained finish.