Author Topic: Question for Doctors and Dentists  (Read 10722 times)

Offline Roger Fisher

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Re: Question for Doctors and Dentists
« Reply #25 on: February 04, 2009, 05:55:20 PM »
:o  I do recall that Herschel had a bad fire caused by an errant open flame at least that is the story! :-X

If its the bad fire your talking about that burned his previous shop down, that was due to letting a "friend" use it while he wasn't around...friend lit the woodstove, left the damper open, then went into the house while shop was warming up. It warmed up alright! At least that is what Herschel told me. Regards, TC
That is how we get misinformation rumors etc.  thats why I mentioned "at least that is the story"   In any case it was @!*% bad for ol Herschel!