I used one of those sheet metal ribs on my own Hawken build. I bought it from LC Rice at Dixon's fayre in '09. Chuck Dixon was also selling them in his store on that same weekend. It didn't take a lot of filing to get it to fit the taper perfectly and a swamped barrel is just a double taper with perhaps a short straight parallel section. I cut recesses to receive the rod pipes, silver soldered them to the rib, and then soft soldered the rib to the barrel, just like Dave did above. I agree that the 1/32" sheet metal rib is too thin to rivet to a swamped barrel, unless you were to use copper rivets, and go shallow in the thinnest section of the barrel.
The rib I used on this latest Hawken build I bought from MBS and it is milled and is considerably thicker than the sheet metal one. It took rivets wonderfully.