I second, or quadruple on the suggestions on a set of 19th century mould blocks - like Lyman, Saeco, Buffalo Arms or a set if modern blocks like Lee makes. Lee aluminum moulds are the least expensive - about $24.00 for DC.
I no longer smoke my mould cavities, but use a moly spray for bullets. MS Moly ( Lyman sells it with their name) there are others as well, designed for spraying moly onto jacketed bullets. It also works with cast bullets, but is NOT a BP lube.
The moly spray prevents sticking and also prevents rusting of iron or steel mould blocks.
Clean the mould with a good dish soap and toothbrush under really hot tap water, dry with paper or cloth towels(I use my wife's towel), then once dry, spray and let dry. Done. Heat the blocks on top of the furnace or beside the fire, then cast away. If water or spit instantly evapourates off the surface, you can behind casting, but not until. Even then, the first few balls might have to go back into the pot.