Thank you Arcturus. Here is information directly from my gggg grandpas pension application. Interesting read. I've laid awake at night thinking about the guns he may have had...and where they came from. I would imagine PA was where he got his first flintlock and then maybe another from his time in Southwest VA.
In applying for a Revolutionary War pension in 1833, John Knowles made these statements:
State of Tennessee, White County
On this 16th date of August, A.D. 1833, personally appeared before me, Joseph Herd, an acting Justice of the Peace in and for said County and State, John Knowles a resident of the County of White and State of Tennessee aged eighty four years, who first being duly sworn according to the law doth on this oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th, 1832.
That he entered the service to the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated. He volunteered his services for 12 months under Captain William Rippee, in the year 1775 as well as he can now recollect, in Cumberland County in the State of Pennsylvania. His lieutenants' names were Matthew Scott and William Smith, according to his present recollection. Captain Rippee's Company met at Carlisle in said Cumberland County. From thence declarant marched to Valley Forge on the Schuylkill River where he remained about two weeks. He then crossed the above river at this place and marched to Amboy on the banks of some stream, the name of which this declarant does not remember. At this place he fell in with the main Army. The Army were here but a short time when they were marched from Amboy and this declarant, among a number of others, were left with the pack horses. Captain Rippee directed him to remain and make it his business to provide provender for the horses. Here this declarant remained discharging the above duty until Captain Rippee directed him by letter to carry the horses back to Cumberland County to a place called Shippensburg and there vendue the horses off, stating as a reason for thus disposing of the horses that they intended getting wagons and thereby supercede the necessity of pack horses. He went back with the horses and disposed of the horses as directed. His instructions were to return the papers in relation to the sale of the horses to Robert Peoples, Esqr. and Peter Dickey a merchant in Shippensburg, which he did. His 12 months had now expired and he returned to his family consisting of a wife and 1 child about four miles from the above town.
In the year following, 1776 to the best of his recollection, he again volunteered under Captain William Sharp. Joseph Culberson, he thinks was the name of his lieutenant. He was under Major Smith of Yellow Britches Creek, by whom he was appointed to provide provender, pasture, etc. for the Continental cattle. He continued in the employment from the year 1776 until the surrender of Lord Cornwallis. During this time he frequently had an opportunity of seeing his family. Headquarters was at Morristown some considerable time. During this service the Battle of Lexington and Bunker Hill was fought, but he was not in either, being then out providing cattle for the Army. He recollects to have seen General Green and Washington, but he had no acquaintance with either of them. Thus he continued to serve his county until the surrender of Lord Cornwallis when he was discharged and returned home. Having served his county as above something like six years in all. He is informed that he can only claim pay for two years service: he therefore states that he served two years for which he claims a pension.
Answers to the questions proscribed by the War Department:
1. He was born in Ireland in the town of Ballymena, on the River Main in Antrim County, parish of Ahoghill, the 4th of July, 1749.
2. He has a record of his age in the house.
3. He was living in Cumberland County, State of Pennsylvania, when called into
service as stated. Since the Revolutionary War he has lived in Augusta County, Amherst County and Pendleton County in the State of Virginia. (Pendleton County is now in West Virginia.) From Pendleton County in the year 1807, he moved and settled in White County, Tennessee, where he now resides and has resided ever since.
4. He volunteered each time when called into service.
He states the names of the following persons to whom he is known in his present neighborhood and who can testify as to his character for veracity and their belief of his services as a soldier of the Revolution: Rev. Peter Buram, Rev. Abel Hutson, Isaac Taylor and Major James Randalls. (signed) John Knowles.
In a second statement on March 18, 1834, he included the fact that he was a Sergeant in charge of guarding Carlisle Barracks in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania in 1777.