Could you show a pic of what you did to the Buttplate??
What do the shot patches look like?
The build is continuing: Yesterday, I couldn't stand it any longer and figured I would go ahead and "hand" file the end of the breech plug so it would alight with the top flat of the barrel and then even tackle removing some off the end of the barrel so the hook would seat properly. Taking my time, I got it looking and fitted great! Of course then I had to start inletting the long tang which I have never done one before. Again slow and sure. Finished that up this morning. Please note: I do know that I am doing a little of this build out of order and of course, you should get your barrel in and then the lock but with what I had at the time, I followed the beat of a different drummer. Also yesterday, I did a lot of polishing of the metal parts. And, so far so good.This afternoon, I installed my lugs for the wedges and inletted them into the channel of the stock. My method of for cutting in the lugs or sights is to cover the intended area with Dykem. Mark out the position of the top of the lug minus the wedge. For the depth, I take my calipers, measure the thickness of the base of the wedge and use the pond on the end of the caliper to mark the side of the barrel for depth. Do a series of cuts and dress up with triangular file hitting the two ends just a little to get a wedge guide. Then I take a #8 jeweler blade and cut the wedge deep enough so that I see about 1 1/2 blade widths have cut in. Then taking a cold chisel peel up the wedge. I usually dress that up with a few strokes of the file. Lightly tap in the lug and with a flat punch push down the metal. With care and after browning the barrel it almost looks like these parts were machined on.