The stain is LMF “Lancaster Maple” I tested ratios of stain to thinner on a curly maple block. I started at 10 thinner to one drop stain. IK pretty tight fisted on the stain but I wanted to see the speed of the darkening. So 10-1, 10-2, etc. Each time as dabbed onto a 1x2 inch area of my test block. (I pre-drew the test areas with a pencil and square.) At 10-4 it was looking good at 10-5 or a 50% cut I was where I wanted to be.
I hope that helps. I do think I would recommend a test EVERY TIME as we know wood hardness moisture etc are all variables.
BTW this is advertised as the correct color for rifles out of the Lancaster area. Couldn’t prove by me but I like the idea!
Thank you for the feedback.
Mary May wrote an invaluable book called the acanthus. It gives a historical and geographical overview of this leaf. An excellent how to draw is inside too. She’s a wonderful person too. I highly recommend it to any interested in the study v