Either the Lyman or the TC are good quality pieces that will give you years of good service.
As to a production gun that is faithful to the original design, there really aren't any production guns, in that price range, that are faithful to the originals. However, the Lyman Great Plains rifle is closer than the TC.
I'm not aware of of any drop in components to retrofit the steel furniture to brass or silver. You might order Track of the Wolf's catalog to compare the furniture on either piece to the life size illustrations in the catalog.
I'm curious as to why you want to use conicals for hunting? In my experience, the round ball will do anything necessary, and more, in taking game cleanly. I have known more than a few people, who bought ML rifles to extend their hunting season, only to put their guns away after firing a few heavy loads under heavy conicals. The recoil was more than they could stand...and these boys weren't 90 pound weaklings.
IMHO, the penchant for shooting conicals, to improve whatever, is function of marketing hype designed to sell you something that you don't really need, under the guise of an "improvement".
In my experience, shooting the heavy conicals is more of a pain than anything else. They are also more expensive to shoot. They inflict heavy recoil on the shooter, burn out nipples rather quickly, and they aren't really the improvement that they are hyped to be.
Shooting round balls is more fun, just plain fun. Moreover, round balls are more accurate than conicals, less expensive in the price of lead, powder, and nipples, and much easier on the shoulder.
In the end, it's your choice. I suggest that you find local ML club to find a mentor in shooting these old guns. I'm sure there will be some there that will let you shoot his ML rifle with hunting loads with conicals and round ball. I think you will quickly
see the difference.
Jerry is right about safety issues related to ML shooting. There is a learning curve, and that curve can be flattened rather quickly by joining a local ML club.
God bless