Ken -If this is your first go at sights and tennons I might know where your at with your question. I remember the first time I stood with an expensive barrel in my vise and a hacksaw in my hand and thinking, what are the blinkin chances of this ending well? After getting over my anxiety attack I followed the directions in Dixons book and low and behold tennons were tight and sights were straight. The first time can be a bit daunting but if you follow the guidence of the wise gentlemen above all we be well. Now it doesn't always work out right the first time, you can ask Roger F. how his first rear sight installation went. He might not tell you but Chuck Dixon will.
Laurie,Ya better show me a picture.............Thanks
IMHO, .050" is very deep. Whey do you need to go so deep?
Another aid in that job is a parallel sided safe files, not the tappered type. Brownells sells them and they work great because that is the job they were made to do. You can use the tappered style too but the parallel sided are better IMHO. Gary