Here's an answer from my perspective as a furniture maker. If you're looking for it to be easier than BLO, consider that tung oil should be sanded after each and every coat. I consider 5 to 7 coats necessary on high-end furniture. BLO has its issues as well, and you are probably aware of them or you would have asked. One thing to be aware of is that many products out there that have "tung" in the label are NOT tung oil. I don't think some of them have even shaken hands with the oil of the tung tree nut. If they do, they have other stuff in there too--solvents, driers, whatnot.
I get pure tung oil here:
http://www.realmilkpaint.com/oil.htmlThey have dark tung oil too.
Below is something I lifted off the 'net somewhere:
"What the Finishing Manufacturers Don't Tell You
Common brands of finish that are wiping varnish:
Formby's Tung Oil Finish
Zar Wipe-on Tung Oil
Hope's Tung Oil Varnish
Gillespie Tung Oil
General Finishes' Sealacell
General Finishes' Arm R Seal
Daly's ProFin
Jasco Tung Oil
Common brands of finish that are oil/varnish blends:
Watco Danish Oil
Deft Danish Oil
Behlen Danish Oil
Maloof Finish
Behr Scandinavian Tung Oil Finish
Minwax Tung Oil Finish
Minwax Antique Oil Finish
Velvit Oil
Behlen Salad Bowl Finish
Behlen Teak Oil
Watco Teak Oil"