This halfstock is by F. Hummel of Lebanon PA . It is 47in long with a 301/2 inch barrel in 40 caliber. It is quite lite and well balanced. Furniture is profusely engraved iron . It has many inlays. All I know about Hummel is that he was in Lebanon in 1860 according to Kaufmann.

There was a Frederick Hummel, downtown Lebanon. Based on personal discussions with Henry, I believe that he got his info for this from a commercial business directory. I have never seen a Hummel before, but this would be most consistent with a 1860 circa local rifle.
This F. Hummel is not to be confused with a man of the same name who worked at the old Rev War gun factory on the Swatara Creek, and for whom the present town of Hummelstown took its name. He was 1778 circa and I cannot make a connection between them.
Nice piece. I would say a scarce one in nice shape.