Can someone suggest where to find high quality engraving tools that would be appropriate for longrifle work?
You can save yourself from buying a lot of things you don't need by renting Lynton McKenzie's engraving videos. He states that he can duplicate the high end English engraving with a square and a flat graver and he would know. So spend money buying squares and learn to sharpen them. He shows how to sharpen gravers with stones.
Anyone who is planning of learning to engrave or wants to watch a true master work needs this video set.
Buy a bunch of practice plates from Brownells and start cutting straight lines till they look good, then start on circles and ovals.
I have a GRS hone I bought off a web site really cheap and love it for sharpening gravers, but its not needed.
1/8 lathe tools are good. I used to buy the 4" long 3/32 squares from Brownell's until then went out of production. They are perfect for engraving with a hammer but too long for gravermeister and such so they have become extinct.