Author Topic: New York State Muzzle-Loaders 17th Primitive Vous  (Read 2628 times)


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New York State Muzzle-Loaders 17th Primitive Vous
« on: October 06, 2008, 05:29:07 AM »
  Our Scribe for the event found this on the ILOVENY web site.
 Hi all! We made it in the I love New York Web pages.
 I’ve gotten an email already asking about it. So we may have some new campers and leaf peepers looking in on us this year.     thesilentlady 

For those of you who don't know we meet at the Moose River Plains WMA just outside of Inlet,NY. (North of Old Forge)
Camp is set up 7 miles from the entrance to the park.
This is a laid back event made for greenhorns and the more experienced alike.
Grab you garb and come up, the leaves will be in peak color and local towns in full fall swing.
See our web site  for the Vous flyer.
