I used to have a MLing rifle in every [standard] caliber plus two 20 gauge smoothies--I still have too many. I guess I am sort of a collector [or maybe "accumulator" would be more accurate]. I have three .50s--overkill perhaps, but they are all different--two .54s, two .45s, a .32, a .58, and a .62 smoothie. I used to have another .58, another .62, a .36 and a .40. The .32 serves me well for small game and for big game I have a problem: which rifle-gun to take out? Too many choices and I'd probably be better served with one or two big bores instead of all the ones I have. Some of these rifles/guns were bought more for reenacting than hunting, so I do have favorites for hunting that narrow down the choice. Frankly a fellow could be well-served with two or three and if starting over I might make different choices. I have the same problem with modern rifles/guns--too many and a lot of favorites--and yes I still hunt and shoot cartridge guns--I was raised with them and they are old friends with many memories in the field to entertain me in my old age...