Author Topic: Idea for a fowler from a trade gun stock?Butt plate looks like a road block?  (Read 5770 times)


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Long story but have a nice figured maple stock cut for a trade gun. No lock cut and a 3/4 barrel channel AND in the twenty years I have had her ones taste change. Fowler just look better.
Looks to fancy for a TG but thought make a nice Fowler? Problem is a trade Gun is a little narrow in the butt. Just under 2 inch's and bit short toe to heel like 4.5 inchs. My looking around it looks like butts get narrower later period fowlers but stay long heel to toe? Looking at TOW I don't see anything that would work and look right??
Maybe ,just maybe you could cut down a TOW fowler butt plate? Would it look right???
Next would be bend ones own plate?Or just give her up and make a trade gun. ????
I am one of them guys that I have to see the dress on the lady to tell if it looks right. >:(


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I'm wondering if a modified Leigh Valley but plate could be used . It may not be too long???

Offline KLMoors

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Could you post a pic of it? That might help with suggestions.

Mark Horvat

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I made a fowler/smoothrifle for a friend from a NWT gun walnut stock.  Round over the comb and "forged" a butt plate using a piece of 1/4x3" flat bar, mild steel.  It has a somewhat Virginia look.  If I knew how to post, I would show you a photo.  It was fun putting all the part he gave me from various into a smoothrifle for him.  He loves it.


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Capt. Fred does that help?
Mark Would love to see it. Maybe you could e-mail it to me?
Got to stretch the wood to make 4.5 between $#*! to toe of that stock. I FEAR? that if one would round the comb of the stock that it would look to short for heel to toe?????
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 04:02:51 AM by gregg »

Offline Dave B

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I say go for the fowler. I picked up an original english trade fowler that is just sweet. You have just enough wood to pull it off with this stock. Here is a pic of the folwer. The butt is 4.5  tall and the width is only 1 3/4"

According to several sources this type of fowler was available to the trade markets around the early 1800's. It would have had a Ketland lock. The butt plate looks like this top view.

I don't see that you have any problem here with what you have to work with.
Dave Blaisdell


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Dave that is a nice old fowler. As you can see my stock with the tape on it is closer to 4 1/4 inchs.
Looking at your stock I don't think it would miss the 1/4 inch over yours. I was fearful that rounding the comb over would make the stock look even worst. Your fowler looks just great.
Here another sweet heart by Shovelbuck. He made his butt plate out of flat brass I think he said? I would like to see it just a little better.
Dave you have gave me the most help of a green light,  :)


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As Mark said, we have made some fairly handsome fowlers from Northwest Gun stocks.  Most buttplates as you buy them will be a bit long from heel to toe but you file or grind it off to match.

I have to comment tho... in the bottom picture it looks like your stock has considerable cast on, suitable for a left hander and could be difficult for a right hand shooter to shoulder and shoot.  



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As Mark said, we have made some fairly handsome fowlers from Northwest Gun stocks.  Most buttplates as you buy them will be a bit long from heel to toe but you file or grind it off to match.

I have to comment tho... in the bottom picture it looks like your stock has considerable cast on, suitable for a left hander and could be difficult for a right hand shooter to shoulder and shoot.  

That is a sharp eye Matt. I will look at it allot closer and put a strait edge on it and eye it.
I think what you see is if you look at it from the back the right side is strait up and down. The left
side has a roundness to it that will need to be trimmed to match the right. I will try to get a picture.
If a plate to long looks easy to cut shorter . Going to have to narrow it to . Just bounce this off you all sure
helps to put together a plan.
Matt do you have any pictures??
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 07:27:33 PM by gregg »

Offline KLMoors

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Yup, I think fowler too. I was wondering about the "cast on" too. Is it maybe just the angle of the picture?


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Yup, I think fowler too. I was wondering about the "cast on" too. Is it maybe just the angle of the picture?

I was wondering the same thing. If the stock does indeed have cast on, bend it with hot oil as in Daryl's tutorial.


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Its just camera angle and wood is proud on that side of the stock..