Author Topic: Barrel length and velocity??  (Read 28804 times)


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Re: Barrel length and velocity??
« Reply #50 on: November 14, 2008, 06:00:20 AM »
I've promised to build both my sons flintlocks Roy.  I have one of my hand-rifled barrels in 54 cal left & with this GM 50 I have barrels for both now & enough 50 left over for a nice short belt pistol for me in 50 as well.  Maybe I should go 62 smoothbore in a 1" across the flats, then I can get rid of my "illegal" rear sight too!  ;)


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Re: Barrel length and velocity??
« Reply #51 on: November 14, 2008, 05:55:31 PM »
spot-on- Harry - smoothbore - then it won't matter if you miss.


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Re: Barrel length and velocity??
« Reply #52 on: November 15, 2008, 02:50:14 AM »
Sorry to disappoint Daryl, but Heffley is the only place I need an offhand rifle... not worth the time & money to change a rifle I enjoy so much the rest of the year!  I'll just keep working out with the dumbells & hope that's enough.  ;)


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Re: Barrel length and velocity??
« Reply #53 on: November 19, 2008, 01:23:24 AM »
Ok guys, I managed to pack just shy of 2 pounds of lead under the butt plate by filling 5/8" copper water pipe with pure lead from the pot.  I drilled another 5/8" hole 5" long for a total of 3 holes & slipped the 5" pieces if lead filled pipe in.  The rifle now weighs 12¼ pounds & is 60" long.  It does balance a bit better so hopefully with a winter of working out in my home gym & some serious practise when things warm up in spring, I won't have to butcher my rifle.  Actually I can't bring myself to cut it off & will just have to build a lighter off-hand gun if this doesn't help enough... maybe another half stock flint Hawken, I've always regretted selling my last one in 1984!  I'll keep you guys posted when I start shooting black powder again come warmer days in the spring! ;)


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Re: Barrel length and velocity??
« Reply #54 on: November 19, 2008, 04:14:23 AM »
We shoot every Sunday up here in the warm part of the country.


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Re: Barrel length and velocity??
« Reply #55 on: November 19, 2008, 06:08:42 AM »
I shoot modern guns in winter, but I find it too awkward to load my muzzle loaders with mitts on Daryl!  For the past 4 years I haven't been able to keep my fingers warm below 4° C.  Any fluid, like Hoppes #9+ just makes it worse, so I stick with cartridge guns when it's cool.  It's better than no shooting at all!


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Re: Barrel length and velocity??
« Reply #56 on: November 19, 2008, 10:22:46 PM »
 As to the colder weather and hands, Taylor and I am finding freezing weather a bit hard on bare fingers this year for some odd reason.  It's either an aclimatization deal or we've cut our fingers too badly over the years and circulation is a problem. I'm healing up right now from several nasty cuts and plastic bandages draws cold, as do wet 'cloth' types. I've tried both.  Hoping it's the aclimatization problem. We used to be able to shoot to -10 without problem - witness our trail-walk shooting pictures from last year.  Maybe it's a humidity deal - been rather moist & generally snowing the last few trail walks. Simple cold hands are one thing & not so bad but frozen stiff/numb - won't or can't move fingers to grip is another.  When I typed this last sentence, I had to re-type a C in front of what 'd typed - old - maybe that's another problem I didn't consider - old fingers.

 Handling tin boxes of patches and brass primers does rob heat from the fingers rapidly, along with wet patches and lead balls. Gets to the point I can't tell if I'm touching the trigger or not.  Resting the triger finger on the guard while mounting the rifle robs more heat from the trigger finger. Guess I'l have to stiffenup it's pull or learn to shoot it without setting the trigger.  That's a long nasty pull on this rifle but may help with practise.


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Re: Barrel length and velocity??
« Reply #57 on: November 19, 2008, 10:42:41 PM »
Maybe we should try tweezers or hemostat clamps to handle the wet patches Daryl.  My doctor says my circulation is fine everywhere, but until about 4 years ago cold hands was something I'd rarely experienced.  It has been suggested my peripheral neuropathy might be the cause but in my feet the neuropathy has made them numb & I can't feel much at all, especially the cold (which can be a real bonus!).  I am going to try to find a way to keep shooting black powder this winter.  We're installing a wood stove in the shooting shack (open on the down range side) which will be a big help & with the Pine Beetle kill in our local forests there'll be no shortage of fuel!