Author Topic: FFG vs FFFG- weight versus volume and velocity  (Read 20328 times)

Offline Herb

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Re: FFG vs FFFG- weight versus volume and velocity
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2012, 05:48:20 PM »
The weights of these charges are very uniform, perhaps only .8 of a grain for 10 measures.  Ball seating force and everything I do in loading is as uniform as I can make it.  Maybe another patch material would give more uniform velocities.  As calibers get larger, my velocities get more uniform, especially in .58.  But in .40 caliber I never have small velocity spreads, even though good accuracy. Can you advise me how to get low velocity spreads?


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Re: FFG vs FFFG- weight versus volume and velocity
« Reply #26 on: April 25, 2012, 07:03:04 PM »
I use .020" patches only with bore sized balls or larger.  All balls that are smaller than bore size, even .001' smaller, gets thicker patching- .0215" ticking or .0225" denim to the even heavier mattress ticking. That's about all I can think of, Herb, other than consistancy.  The larger sizes do give closer variations. For me, 2f gives closer velocities strings than 3F.