Guys, when you play the video, you can set it for full screen by clicking the icon at the bottom right, then click the full size box ar the top right. Try running the 'glider' with your mouse. You can actually stop the action and run it frame by frame, cock in full position, then partically dropped, then down, then flame, then smoke and muzzle flame. I did this and printed the flash in the pan, then the next frame as just smoke from the pan and flame from the muzzle of my rifle. When playing the video, Hatchet Jack's ignition seems almost as fast. When playing it frame by frame using the mouse, you see cock up, cock down, flame starting, big flame, then smoke and flame from the muzzle and sparks from the vent. This shows the difference in ignition between the locks - I found this interesting.
: Dang- just tried to do the same thing on a friend's lap-top and couldn't. I am assuming either his computer lacks the speed, or photbusket reduced the size of the file.
: Just tried it again from the download above and the resolution is gone. The original video shows it perfectly. Oh well, we'll have to take it as it is, I guess.