Mike, if that build was mine, there are two things I'd do regarding the toe plate.
First, I'd trace that one onto a new piece of .032" - .040" brass plate with a scratch awl, and cut it out. Then file draft into the edges of that forward button, but do not drill the hole in it for the forward screw...it doesn't need one there, and the traditional Bucks Co. plate has no screw there, but in fact, is the release button for the patch box release.
Second, I'd do as Lucky RA says...right from the toe of the butt plate, begin taking wood away from the bottom of the stock to increase the belly in the stock there. Bucks' Co. rifles have a pronounced concave curve along the bottom of the stock. By the time you get to the missing chip, you'll be down the depth necessary to completely eliminate it. When you inlet the new plate, you could file that finial just a tad smaller so that more wood shows alongside the rounded end.