Most any liquid laundry detergent or dish washing liquid soap that's handy. No particular brand.
That used with hot water and some sort of scrub brush (tooth brush, paint brush, scrub brush,ect) will clean grease,dirt,oil ect from metal surfaces easily.
The same soap,hot water & scrub down cleans dishes up after use so clean you'd eat off of them.
I scrub down most every disassembled cartridge gun before I begin work on them and do that right in the laundry tub with the soap,hot water and brushes.
They come out clean as can be,,,I use the same process for cleaning before rust bluing.
Rinse with the same hot water and scrub while rinsing to get any soap off. Handle w/clean paper towels from a roll placed near by and handy if they're going to the blue or brown process next.
Parts get hot and that helps dry them quickly. That and a few shakes while wrapped up in the paper towel helps.
I've grown to dislike chemical solvents over the years for cleaning jobs like this. But they're still handy for some things.
*Didn't know about the butter and pine tar removal trick. That's one I'll remember! I get that stuff all over my self every time I trim out the pine trees in back.