Thanks for the kind words, friends.
Rice barrel, Chambers Late Ketland lock.
made the patchbox, thimbles, side plate, toeplate.
Mark - I didn't make the trigger guard - it's a stock cast piece. I beat it and tweaked it quite a bit, to the point where I actually had to weld it back together - this is the 2nd one for me where the rail broke under the slightest duress. Hate that. I really want to start making my own. Buttplates too. Bored with the stock stuff. Rear thimble picture below - after going through Jerry Noble's books on southern guns, I didnt know there was a "right"... :-) Ignorance is bliss in my case.
I was trying to emulate, weakly I admit, the tang in this Mark Wheland gun: another less crappy picture of it below.