Excellent reply Bob. I have built (Jim let me build them for a while) and used the Late Ketland since 2005+- and have found it to be excellent when properly installed with proper touch hole design.
Wall thickness is the big deal here on any barrel. If the charge has to travel too far, the time to ignition is ruined. The charge has to be brought to the pan as close as possible. Even so, big bench rifles have super thick walls and sometimes require the making of a custom touch hole liner. The best compliments I enjoy is when somebody does a doubletake at the range and asks "was that a caplock? Man that wuz FAST"
Gotta luv that!
Thanks for the back up on my comments about lock speed and flash holes.I have made up
a few Late Ketlands using Jim's external parts and that is one FINE lock.It's a fine lock
as it is but the linked mechanisms and forged mainsprings are an improvement.
Take care of yourself,girl.That stroke was like having the oil pressure light come on in
your car.You have recovered and the warning was clear.Bill Large found that out when he
had a brief,transient stroke and passed out and he tried to catch himself on the rack gear of
a rifling machine and the thing was running and ran over his hand.
Take care and stay warm.
Bob Roller