I/we pestered ol Fuzzy til he decided to build and shoot a knuckleballer. He got a straight Oct getz in 28 gauge he 'laminated' a stock and used an old Dixie gun wks flintlock. Well the gun is finished and shot it last Sun at a small local shoot in practice, on a print of a light bulb with a white X ring the size of a nickel and abt a 2 inch 10 ring. 25 yds offhand. First shot was an X and I thought lucky but that will change. had some sparking problem changed flints and hung another target.
He proceeded to shoot a 50 with a couple or three X's and I said holy canolies or some such. 5 shots touching!

This guy has a shooter seems like and I will never learn to keep my yap shut.

BTW Ol Fuzzy uses a cane to "get around"!!!!!