I used it for my pistol shooting for 2 days using a .445" ball and .019" crushed, pocket drill patch. Aside from cleaning the barrel and lock after supper both days, I did not have to run any patches into the bore. At no time did fouling build up, even when shooting the slugs with BP Gold Lube, then going back to shooting patched balls- no trouble loading at any time. Of course I was only shooting from 30 to 40gr. of powder with either of the projectiles.
I expected shooting the undersized slugs would end up with fouling the bore - I was wrong - no fouling buildup and no change in accuracy switching back and forth.
This is the pistol that gave a 1 1/2", 5 shot group at 38yards, from a rest. There are not many modern guns that can match that accuracy, and that was without my glasses on. With the glasses, I shot a 4" string for 4 shots and could not believe how poorly my gun grouped, so I took off the glasses - what a difference - I could see the front sight, almost sharply and that was all that mattered.